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SafeBAE Does Comprehensive Staff Training at Phillips Exeter Academy

What Happens When You Present Sexual Violence Prevention at One of the Most Prestigious Schools in the Country?

by Henry O’Neal

Educating the Highly Educated

When SafeBAE’s Executive Director, Shael Norris, walked into the historic halls of Phillips Exeter Academy this September, the stakes were high. Faculty and staff at one of the country’s most elite boarding schools were about to receive a crash course on handling some of the most delicate and critical issues facing their students: sexual violence prevention, consent education, and creating a culture of safety and respect.

According to Norris, “When you’re living with students in a shared dorm setting, it’s crucial to understand how to set and hold boundaries while mentoring.”

In a boarding school where faculty live on campus, setting boundaries is a necessity. Norris guided them through practical strategies to establish these boundaries and act as the first line of defense for their students.

Empowering Faculty with Practical Strategies

One of the core focuses of the training was addressing power dynamics, especially in the close-knit environment of a boarding school where faculty and students often share living spaces. The blurred lines between authority and personal connection make it crucial for educators to be aware of their influence and model healthy, respectful behaviors. Faculty were also encouraged to proactively identify early warning signs of boundary violations and act before situations escalate.

A key aspect of the training was the emphasis on trauma-informed responses, which Norris explained as vital since faculty often act as first responders in cases of sexual violence. Faculty were guided on how to create a supportive environment for students, emphasizing the need to listen without judgment, maintain confidentiality, and connect students to the right resources. By understanding their role as first responders, faculty can help set the tone for a safe and respectful school environment.

What Makes SafeBAE’s Training Stand Out?

SafeBAE’s training sessions stand out because they’re designed to be both relevant and actionable. At Phillips Exeter, each part of the session was customized to address the specific challenges their staff and students face. Here’s what sets SafeBAE’s training apart:

  • Tailored Content: The training at Phillips Exeter focused on the school’s unique environment, ensuring that strategies were specific to their boarding school context.
  • Expert Facilitation: With Shael Norris’s experience in sexual violence prevention and Title IX compliance, the sessions are backed by best practices and up-to-date research.
  • Interactive and Practical: Rather than just theory, SafeBAE’s training is hands-on. Faculty engaged in real-world scenarios, ensuring the material could be implemented immediately.
  • Trauma-Informed: All sessions are framed with a trauma-informed approach, making sure staff can respond to students’ disclosures in a supportive, effective way.

Phillips Exeter: Setting the Example

As one of the nation’s most elite institutions, Phillips Exeter’s approach to addressing sexual violence sets a powerful example for schools nationwide. “When schools like Exeter take the lead on this, other schools follow suit,” said Norris. By investing in comprehensive training, Phillips Exeter is ensuring that its faculty are equipped to support students, promote consent, and create safer environments.

Why to Invest in SafeBAE’s Staff Training Services

Schools like Phillips Exeter Academy understand that staff training is an investment in their students’ futures. By partnering with SafeBAE, they’ve taken steps to enhance student safety and set new standards for education. Schools looking to make a similar impact can benefit from SafeBAE’s tailored, proven approach to sexual violence prevention. Whether it’s through in-person or virtual sessions, SafeBAE offers flexible solutions that create lasting change.

Bring SafeBAE to you. Let’s work together to empower survivors and foster environments where respect and safety are the standard. For all inquiries email Shael Norris directly at shael@safebae.org.

SafeBAE is a 501c3 Not-for-Profit Organization

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