Online Harassment of Survivors

Online harassment and disbelief of survivors has been an ongoing issue that many survivors report to be as harmful, if not more, than the assault they experienced. Not being able to escape rumors, victim blaming, and shaming at school and over social media can and has resulted in suicidal ideation from countless survivors, so our aim is to educate friends and peers in how to support survivors and not contribute to their revictimization. Our teaching guide can be used with any or all of the following video content.
Our young leaders created #QuitThisShit as part of a 2016 social media campaign to help break the cycle of revictimization of survivors. The script for this video depicts actual messages survivors have received, so is likely not appropriate for school settings.

You can preview the short film HERE

As part of this campaign, we also offer a non-explicit short HERE

We have several short video options that cover this topic in different ways and all are available with an adjoining teaching guide and posters


SafeBAE is a 501c3 Not-for-Profit Organization

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Your donation makes an immediate impact by enabling us to offer free consent education and resources to their schools.

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