In this PSA about sending nudes – otherwise known as ‘sexting’- we explore the risks, pressures, and realities of what can happen when teens share intimate photographs. The messages most kids get from adults is “just don’t do it,” but sending nudes has still continued to grow into a cultural norm across all ages. But our script and concept were developed with input from our BAE Breakers (student ambassadors) around the country, so we could approach the issue in a non-judgmental way.

“Most of the information we get about online communication is ‘just don’t send nudes.’ But this approach is unrealistic, victim blaming, and doesn’t address the real problem. We are not here to shame kids for sending nudes. We want to offer them the opportunity to learn about the risks and talk about the pressures that surround sending and forwarding explicit pictures.”
– Molly Gallenberg, BAE Breaker Ambassador and #nudes Associate Producer