Meet the Students Shaping Our Future

Summer Activist Institute:

Meet the Fellows of 2024!

Applications Open Now!!

APPLY HERE Follow our Instagram for the announcement @safe_bae!

Your parent/guardian will also be required to approve your application. Please click HERE to share this form with them.

Check Out Episodes from the 2023 Institute!




Q: I’m under 18, so will my parents/caregiver have to sign off?

A: Yes, they will have to sign a waiver for you to participate and help to arrange travel.


Q: Is there travel funding available?

A: Yes, we have some travel stipends available, but are working to find partners to cover all travel expenses. This is not guaranteed for now.


Q: What will the food be like? 

A: We’ll have a combination of food provided by the campus catering staff and local eateries from around Portland.


Q: Will I have a private room?

A: We will be in college dorms with double suites that have a shared bathroom in between.  So a total of 4 participants will share each suite bathroom.


Q: How will my roommate be chosen?

A: We will make our best effort to pair you up with the best possible fit for you and the application will allow you to share any needs you have for rooming.


Q: What if I’m a graduating senior and still want to attend?

A: We are looking for underclassmen only because we will be providing attendees with grants to be able to continue their work when they return to their high school in the fall.  Graduating seniors can absolutely be in touch with us about other ways to get involved in our work.


Q: I don’t have any experience with advocacy, but have always wanted to do this work, can I still apply?

A: Absolutely!  You will have the opportunity in your application to share why you are a strong candidate.


Q: I’m homeschooled/attend a non-traditional school, can I apply?

A: The target audience for the institute is students that attend traditional high schools, and as such the information we provide will be targeted toward that audience, but other students may apply as long as they can creatively imagine how to do sexual assault prevention advocacy in their educational communities!


Q: Will there be chaperones?

A: Yes, our college planning committee will be on-site as well as SafeBAE staff to oversee all participants.


Q: What is your cancellation policy if I am not able to attend?

A: Attendance at the Summer Institute is based on an application and selection process, as there are a limited number of spaces available. We ask that only students who are very serious about the commitment to the Institute apply. We will be requiring all participants to sign a contract confirming plans to attend. In the event that you are unable to attend, we kindly ask that you provide us with as much notice as possible, so that we may attempt to fill your spot.


Q: Will I be able to contact home if needed?

A: Absolutely, and you can totally bring your phone, but we do expect participants to be focused on the work when we’re in session and save the selfies for activities during breaks and downtime in the evenings.


If you have any other questions that we may not have answered, please contact

SafeBAE is a 501c3 Not-for-Profit Organization

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