Our Mission
SafeBAE is the only survivor-founded, student-led national organization working to prevent sexual violence exclusively among middle and high school students in the US. We work to enlist all school stakeholders in culture change by giving teens the tools to become peer-to-peer advocates of sexual harassment and assault prevention, affirmative consent, safe bystander intervention, survivor care, and Title IX education; while also providing school staff with trauma-informed response training, curriculum, policy reform guidance, and resources to reduce recidivism.
“The program content is relatable and authentic to student experiences. I welcome having Certified Peer Educators present to my class, so they can hear these messages from other students.” – Rhode Island Health Educator
Our Goals
Raise awareness about sexual assault in middle and high schools.
Provide information on student rights to be free from sexual violence under Title IX.
Provide education around consent, bystander intervention, and safe relationships in all secondary schools.
Engage all students to be a part of the solution using art, activism and social media.
Provide students/survivors who have experienced violence with information on their rights, options for justice, and resources for healing.
Outreach to school boards across the country to ensure their understanding of obligations under Title IX and provide them best practices for student codes of conduct and department responses.
Promote consent education legislation in every state.
SafeBAE Strategic Plan
How We Started
These survivors and their families came together during the filming of the Netflix documentary “Audrie & Daisy” to help prevent what happened to them from happening to anyone else. Daisy Coleman, Ella Fairon, Jada Smith & Charlie Coleman have bravely spoken out about their sexual assaults, the public sharing of the assaults over social media, the community backlash they received, their schools’ mishandling of their ongoing harassment and how they have fought for necessary change.

What We Do
We create social media campaigns, present at schools/conferences/events, help students to start clubs in their schools, offer peer educator training certification, create and produce mission driven videos (utilizing a diverse production team all under the age of 25), and provide prevention and response resources to schools. Since our inception, we estimate our reach to be over 5.5 million people. And we are most proud that we offer all of our student engagement programs for free.