A Dangerous Step Back: Why Florida’s Rollback of Consent Education Hurts Students

Home  /  BlogA Dangerous Step Back: Why Florida’s Rollback of Consent Education Hurts Students Why Florida’s rollback of comprehensive sex education is a dangerous step backward, leaving students without critical information on consent, contraception, and healthy relationships, ultimately putting their safety and well-being at risk. by Ella O’Neal The Reality of Cutting Comprehensive Sex Education…

SafeBAE’s Approach to Preventing Dating Violence Backed by Newly Published Research

Home  /  BlogSafeBAE’s Approach to Preventing Dating Violence Backed by Newly Published Research SafeBAE’s latest research, published in the Journal of Child Sexual Abuse, validates the critical role of student leadership and data-driven programming in addressing the evolving challenges of child victimization and dating violence prevention. by Ella O’Neal Redefining Prevention: Our Impact For years,…